
Welcome to everyday life! Go through the daily routine, get lost in never-ending monotony. There is no escape, really.

Control the game with "A" ("Option" key) and "Up" and "Down" (arrow keys).

"ever" is a narrative game with a few choices to make. It's an experiment in which I explore some of the features of Chris Maltby's GB Studio. It has a hidden save feature, so whenever you try to reset the game, it will put you back to the spot where you have left off. "ever" is way too short to be a deep experience but I might extend it a bit further in the future.

You can download a Gameboy ROM if you prefer to play the game on an emulator or original hardware. For the game to run as intended, the emulator or cartridge needs to support saving.

All graphics and music is done by me, the startup sound is SFX no.9 from Tronimals excellent GBFX2 library.


ever GB ROM 256 kB